Friday, December 02, 2005

Wasted Time

The Bush administration will go down in history for, if nothing else, all the wasted potential.
They've had a firm majority for years now, both in the House and the Senate. They cleaned out the bureaucracy and inserted their own key people.
And for what? What have they really accomplished?
True, the war was a major distraction, but so what? They should have been able to leave the war to the Pentagon and concentrated on domestic issues. That's what the Pentagon is for.
Can you name a major bill or initiative that the Bush government has managed to push through? No Child Left Behind is being left behind. Social Security reform vanished.
For all their talk that they don't need to defend their record, the Bush circle is spending a lot of time defending their record, and not much time sponsoring legislation, bringing it to a vote, and passing it.
The bills they have passed, I've noticed, have been seriously underplayed. The government does not brag about what they've managed to do. They haven't even mentioned it. If they are that sensitive to criticism with a majority, what will they be like with a minority?

Come on, conservatives! Make some noise. Brag a little.
Start by doing something to brag about.

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