Wednesday, March 30, 2005

What is it about celebrities, anyway? Why do we care what they think?
An actor weighs in on an important issue. Why do we listen? He's not an expert, a PhD, or a philosopher. He's a person who happens to be very, very, good at playing make-believe.
A singer is on trial. Why does it get front page coverage? He's not a humanitarian, an inventor, or an innovator. He's a person who can make his voice hit a given note, on demand. The best ones are the ones who can dance simutaneously.
In ancient times people worshipped demigods; people who had achieved immortality. Haven't we progressed at all?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I just read an article in the New York Review of Books online, right here.
Large numbers of people believe that The Rapture is coming, and that therefore we don't have to care about the future, the environment, or even the peace process.
They are looking forwards to all out war in the Middle East, as it will lead to The Rapture, during which they will be carried up to heaven.
Maybe I'm a little thick, but where are they getting the idea that THEY will be going to heaven?
Honestly, I am reminded of that scene towards the end of The Ten Commandments, with everybody going wild around that golden calf.
Do these people really think they can support war, ignorance, and the destruction of the earth, and still have God's favor?

Monday, March 28, 2005

Today's news concerned the new US gun laws. Is Larry Craig really planning to make it so easy to obtain military grade weapons?
I have a question for the NRA, if I may?
Why do you need military-grade weapons?
Come on, let's face it - nobody's going to invade America in our lifetimes. Canada will need another 10 years to recreate its army. Mexico's army hasn't been a threat since Santa Anna died. And nobody else is going to be able to sneak an invasion force through the world's biggest navy.
Terrorists? Assuming they don't use their usual hit and run suicide approach, what are you planning to do? When they hit, are you all going to grab your sniper rifles and race downtown to help contain the threat? No?
Then what? You don't use a 50 caliber sniper rifle to hunt with, unless you're hunting something with body armor. And that's illegal.
Are you afraid that the government is going to come and take your freedoms away? Two problems with that.
a) They ARE taking your freedoms away, and you're cheering.
b) The neo-cons are your allies. That means that the ones who would take your guns away would have to be the liberals. Do you really think they would have the nerve?<

Friday, March 25, 2005

I am a small town hick.
I grew up in a town of 26,000. I am so far out of the loop that I was 20 before I found out there was a loop.
I guess that makes me the ultimate outsider, getting all my information from the media.
But, I see what is going on around me, out here in the "real" world. And I have reason and thought on my side.
Let's see if that is enough.

The biggest lesson I have learned about the Information Age is that our education system must be changed. Because the Information Age is anything but.
We are flooded with data. Google any subject, and you will find 20 different opinions, all different - and all with "facts" to back them up. Instead of a world of facts at our fingertips, we have a sea of lies, in which float a few facts, almost invisible amid the waves of opinion. No wonder faith has made such a comeback - when you don't have any facts, you are left with either confusion, or faith.
The education of our children must reflect our new reality. The new three "R"s must replace reading, 'riting, and 'rithmatic with Research, Reasoning, and Rhetoric.
All information is on the Web, somewhere. The trick is to find it. We must teach our children how to research, how to track down primary sources (and teach them what primary sources ARE), the inner workings of search engines, and, at higher levels, how to create them.
We must teach them logic, semantics, and rational thought. No, they won't be reading Santayana in grade 1, but they will learn about the basic fallacies (all cats are four legged animals, therefore all four-legged animals are cats. True or False?) and eventually will learn to separate fact from argument.
We must teach our children rhetoric - the art of communication. Text messaging aside, we do most of our communication by voice - and we do ALL of our convincing. Our children need to learn to look past the noble words, booming voice, and stern appearances, and see the message.

If they don't, they'll end up slaves, motivated and manipulated by others.