Saturday, April 01, 2006

Condi retracts

Yesterday, Condoleezza Rice said the United States made possibly "thousands" of tactical mistakes in the war against Iraq. "I know we've made tactical errors, thousands of them, I'm sure," she said.
Today, Condi retracted that statement.
"First of all, I meant it figuratively, not literally," she said. "Let me be very clear about that. I wasn't sitting around counting. The point I was making to the questioner ... is that, of course, if you've ever made decisions, you've undoubtedly made mistakes. The important thing is to get the big strategic decisions right, and that I am confident that the decision to overthrow Saddam Hussein and give the Iraqi people an opportunity for peace and for democracy is the right decision."

Either she's unable to make any statement deviating from the party line without a stern call from Washington telling her to get back out there in front of the cameras and retract,
She's unable to understand that the government is able to make literally thousands of tactical errors, and that it's OK to admit it. A more forthright government would have no problem admitting a few faults - it's the desperate and the corrupt ones that must project an image of infallibility.

1 comment:

Bradley Herring said...

God, it's so funny hearing stuff like this. Like when Bush said the war on terror was unwinnable, then he comes out and says, oh, I didn't mean that. Just ridiculous.