Monday, October 10, 2005

Giving the News some time.

I'm back. I've spent the week in Florida, away from computers and the Internet. I've kept myself informed via newsprint and TV. During this time, I made copious notes about what I would write about when I got back.
Guess what? I tore 90% of those notes up.
It's amazing how much political news is either half-baked or a tempest in a teapot. Take the Miers case.
She's in. She's bad. She's out. She's still in. She'll never be in.
All in one week.
The jury's still out (hah!) on the lady. Virtually nothing's known for sure about her. Yet the blogs churned all week about the consequences of her nomination.
I'm not criticizing - I would have churned, too, if I'd had my keyboard. But having watched and waited, I suddenly relearned something from before I started this video correspondence - that some stories take time to become significant. Roberts has yet to make a single ruling, Miers has yet to be appointed, and people are already predicting the fate of the Supreme Court years down the road.

Let's get a few more facts, people. Then we can speculate.

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