Saturday, October 15, 2005

Proving my Point

Have a look at my entry two entries down, called "Attack".
Look at the comments - the one by Francis W. Porretto.
See what I mean?
Francis writes a good blog called Eternity Road. From what I have seen, he has not commented on the Miers nomination lately.
However, he reacts to my post by calling me a leftist, and states that attacks by the right are where you "accurately quote them and hold their statements and behavior up to public scrutiny."

This was about Republicans agreeing to work together, rather than get into an insult festival. Is this a leftist idea?
Did you accurately quote me, and show me where my ideas were wrong?

Conservatives have won because they have had a united vision. They will lose if they lose their unity.
That is not a leftist statement.
If you disagree, please accurately quote me, and show me where my ideas are wrong.

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