Saturday, February 18, 2006

Al-Qaida has better PR - and it'll likely stay that way

According the CNN, Donald Rumsfeld has said that America needs to improve its propaganda methods.
"For the most part, the U.S. government still functions as a 'five and dime' store in an eBay world," said Rumsfeld. He went on to say that modernization is crucial to winning the hearts and minds of Muslims worldwide who are bombarded with negative images of the West.

I hope he won't put too much money into this pipedream.

What good is it to bombard Muslim TV and internet news with stories about how Americans love them and only want the best for them, when they will just go to Ann Coulter's blog and read her latest raghead joke? What good is it to spend millions on promoting US/Arab unity, when it is all undone by a day's worth of reading the right wing blogs?
Read Little Green Footballs, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, or Michelle Malkin, and tell me you'd be our friend if we thought like this about you?

1 comment:

Bradley Herring said...

I think this nonsensical diatribe by Rummy is best viewed in context with the Katrina report wherein his (and Chertoff's) total lack of ability to even e-mail played a part in the disastrous response. Of course he would assume that the "enemy" has a technological advantage when he can't even figure out how to surf the 'net.