Sunday, February 12, 2006

Free Speech = Protests at Funerals.

We have all heard that the Muslims hate America, and are behind the slaughter of American troops in Iraq.
Many of us have also been told that the liberals and apologists are responsible for America's woes.
Well, you're all wrong.
It's God.
So says the Westboro Baptist Church, its pastor, the Reverend Fred Phelps, and his family, including his daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper.
"We are delivering a message. God is punishing this nation and he is using the IED as his weapon of choice," she said.
Over the last few weeks, demonstrators from the church have turned up at memorials for soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the funerals for the 12 West Virginia miners who died in a mine explosion last January, and even the funeral of Coretta Scott King in Georgia.
They have carried signs reading 'Thank God for Dead Soldiers,' 'You're Going to Hell', 'Fags Doom Nations', 'God is America's Terror' and 'Don't Worship the Dead'.
They are undaunted by efforts to stop them, claiming that the right to free speech allows them to protest like this. "It's all good. It's not going to stop us," said Phelps-Roper. "We have the moral high ground."

No doubt they consider themselves "conservatives".


prying1 said...

If you honestly consider equating Phelps to the rest of the conservatives in this country you are either blind, ignorant or stupid. Perhaps all three.

Should I throw deceitful in the mix?

No, I'll give you the credit of the doubt and not throw it in...

He has 72 regulars in his congregation. Check the pics on his site. There are five to ten people tops at these funeral protests. They may or may not call themselves conservatives but that does not mean they are. You could call yourself a turnip but that would not make you one.

If I were you I'd either delete this post in embarrasment or apologize

signed, An Offended Conservative - -(:-P

smalltownhick said...

I was being sarcastic.
People like Phelps never think of themselves as extremists. They think they are the only true centrists, upholding truth and justice.
I said they probably thought of themselves as conservatives. They probably do, even if no one else does. They probably think of us as liberal apologists for not joining them on the picket lines.