Monday, February 13, 2006

Phelps revisited.

One reader took offence that I wrote , in a blog entry a few days ago, about the Westboro Church's protests at funerals, and their pastor, the Rev. Phelps.
As I wrote in the comments, and repeat here,
"People like Phelps never think of themselves as extremists. They think they are the only true centrists, upholding truth and justice. I said they probably thought of themselves as conservatives. They probably do, even if no one else does. They probably think of us as liberal apologists for not joining them on the picket lines."
This goes for most other extremists. The people burning Danish embassies probably think that other Muslims are wusses for not helping. They are, after all, defending Islam from Infidel attack.

People who go to extremes are extremists. People who overreact, who react with violence when no violence is offered, who react with personal epithets to arguments that don't attack them personally, . . . are extremists.
Don't support extremist behavior. Support conservative behavior.
Leave the bombs at home.

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