Friday, November 25, 2005

Abolish Democracy NOW!

Top 10 Reasons we should abolish democracy in the United States.

10: The large group, growing larger, that believes that drunk driving is the fault of the liquor companies, shootings are the fault of the gun salesmen, and drug crimes are the fault of some cabal in Columbia.
"We is all jus' pore white folks, wit fif' grade ejucatons, an' we don't know nuttin 'bout things, 'cept how to call our lawyer when we is hurt or sumpin', an' we couldn'ta even have dun that witout him programmin' the speed dialler 'for us." Too many voters believe that they are not responsible for anything, and that no matter what happens in life, there is somebody to be sued. Somebody should sue them. And keep them away from anything important, like the running of a country. After all, they aren't responsible people.

9: The rise of the anti intellectuals, especially the astrologists, creationists, UFOlogists, and conspiracy theorists - anyone who thinks that their beliefs are more important than the facts.
Your brain does not dictate reality. You are not that important, and I don't think egoists like you should be allowed to control a country.
Besides, you'd just give the place away to the Martians.

8: People who think their leaders should be "one of them". That's just what we need - a self-deluded, ignorant truck driver who can't get laid, leading the country.

7: The voter turnout. When we get to the stage where a 50% turnout is good, it's time to relieve all those poor, set-upon citizens of that nasty old vote.

6: The growing belief that God created an entire class of people for you to prove your faith against. This includes those who beat gays to death, shoot abortionists, and pilot airplanes into office buildings. God saved all those you kill, even the aborted. You're just sending yourself to hell. Also, who'd give any sort of responsibility to someone who thinks that a life of killing women who have sex out of wedlock, is going to win them seventy-odd virgins? Do you really think they're going to put out for you? You'd kill them!
Given the many examples from the 20th Century of what happens when people who believe in killing fellow citizens for "wrong" behavior get into power, it's best they not get a vote.

5: The cult of celebrity. I have great doubts about any voter who pays attention to the political views of someone who plays Make-Believe for a living. Not that it's dirty or anything, it's just that spending all that time learning lines leaves them little time to consider the ramifications of the SALT treaties.
I also have serious doubts about anyone who can't find Iraq on a map, but knows who Jennifer is dating now. And who knows who I mean by "Jennifer" without mentioning a last name.

4: The Great Christian Meltdown. This includes, but is not limited to. . .
- The people who think that because WalMart no longer says "Merry Christmas!", that Christianity is in danger, even though Christianity survived Nero and his lions.
- The people who listen to Pat Robertson, or for that matter any Christian leader who believes that the embodiment of peace and forgiveness wants certain people to burn in hell.
- Those who believe that the agnostics of our generation are so important to God that he will be willing to suspend natural laws, unleash the AntiChrist, and destroy the entire world, just to win them over - unlike the agnostics of, say, 1932. They can go to hell.

3: The rise of Multiculturalism, and the belief that our careful designed culture, polished over 8,000 years, influenced by everything from Hammurabi to Sun Tzu to Napoleon, is no more moral than some stone age tribe that ate raw monkeys and killed their daughters.
Look, the many cultures that have graced this world have contributed thousands of good ideas. Fire. Tea. Rubber. Dancing.
They have also contributed more than their fair share of bad ideas.
Mutilation. Abuse. Murder by decree.
There is a growing number of people who think that multiculturalism goes beyond contributing a new china pattern, to become an excuse for committing any sort of behavior, on the grounds that sometime, somewhere, one of your ancestors thought is was proper.
Your ancestors were barbarians, and I don't want you running things.

2: The state of Modern Education. I don't mind that a functional illiterate can get a B.A. by examining the effects of Lesbian Vampires upon Japanese anime. I just don't think these people should be allowed to vote. They may decide to elect a lesbian vampire, and then where would we all be?

1: The continued dominance of Me-ism. Anyone who thinks that nothing in the country exists that is more important than their own personal comfort should be safely ensconced in a secure little facility, where they can be taken care of while real people run things.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Small Town Hick,

I appreciate your prayers for my recovery, but I take exception with your post and your characterization of truck drivers as dumb and uneducated. I am a formaer truck driver and would still be one if it weren't for GBS. Prior to that I was a Paramedic, I did that for about two and a half years. I left that job because I couldn't handle the stress it was putting on me.

Thinking Right