Sunday, November 06, 2005


Nobody has a national identity more distinct than the French.
From language to cooking to history, French culture is legendary.
That may be the problem.
You see, French arrogance is also a byword. To a frenchman, the world is divided into the French and the barbarians. The French voted down the EU constitution mainly because it would have forced the French to treat other Europeans as though they were French - intolerable!
And now we have riots..
They say it's the rise of the Muslims. Hogwash. It's the rise of the Africans. It's the Watts Riots, moved to Europe. No clansman, no redneck sheriff, was ever more intolerant of non-whites than the French. It's taken an extra 40 years, but desegregation is finally coming to France.
Too bad there was no French Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King to speak out for non-violent change. Or maybe there was, and we English speakers never heard them.
Well, it's done now. The French have two choices - integration, or a "final solution".
And despite what a lot of my colleagues have said about surrender monkeys in the past, they may choose the latter this time.

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