Sunday, November 13, 2005

Losing Patience

I am losing patience.
Losing patience with the Bush government, with the conservative blogs, with the liberals, with everybody.

The White House has said "These critics are fully aware that a bipartisan Senate investigation found no evidence of political pressure to change the intelligence community's judgments related to Iraq's weapons programs."
The White House has said "More than 100 Democrats in the House and the Senate, who had access to the same intelligence voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power."
The question is, Is the White House giving bipartisan Senate investigations the same information that the House and Senate received during the buildup to war, ie. wrong information?

I am sick and tired of all the defenders of the "CIA should be able to torture" argument.
Even assuming - assuming - that the information acquired by torture can be trusted, ie. is not being made up on the spot just to stop the torture,
If the enemy knows we are torturing people, they will take countermeasures.
Torture is not new, and neither are the ways to circumvent torture. Giving out information on a need-to-know basis, giving false info to people likely to be captured, and so on.
Reliable intelligence is the kind the enemy doesn't know we are collecting - informants, hidden microphones, phone taps, and so on. Especially informants - nothing is better than someone on the inside who likes you more than them.
Unfortunately, you must be more likeable than they are. With all that's happened over the last few years, that isn't likely.
In fact, it is possible that the enemy is getting information from us. Lots of liberals hate Bush right now, including all the people in the intelligence departments who keep leaking damaging information to the press. Who's to say that one isn't leaking someting to Al-Qaida, too?

And now: Is WP a chemical weapon? No. It's an incendiary, like napalm.
OK. Technically, white phosphorus is a chemical weapon. TNT is a chemical weapon, because TNT is a chemical. However, we don't classify TNT that way. There are explosive weapons, there are solid shot weapons.
And there are all the other weapons. White Phosphorus counts as one of those.
Is it inhumane? Does it cause a lot of suffering?
Yes. So is TNT and the spent uranium in the anti-tank shells.
Next question.

The Queen of England is now on the Al-Qaida hit list. Near the top, no less. Not bad for a figurehead with no legislative power.

And the Iowa activists have announced that anyone who opposes Alito's nomination can forget about running for president next time. Oh, this is RICH!
1) The people who will be opposing Alito will be running for SENATE. And only two of those will be affected by an Iowa vote. Plus, with the current mood of the country, the Iowa activists may turn out to be 1% of the vote.
2) Anyone who hitches his wagon to the Bush star can probably forget about being president next time. The record of the current government - scandal, cronyism, overspending, incompetence - means that thre next conservative who runs against the neo-conservatives is likely to run them out of town.

Iran may have nuclear weapons. We need to do something about it.
Too bad our troops are conmmitted to a job they shouldn't have to be doing, isn't it?

I've had enough for one post.

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