Monday, November 21, 2005

Merry Whatever

Christmastime is here again. A time of joy, a time of cheer.
A time for the most bent members of the Religious Right to get even more twisted.
Christianity is under attack - because schools and stores say "Happy Holidays" and insist on restricting nativity scenes.
I guess the message of peace and joy has nothing to do with Christmas. It's all about the slogans.
Listen guys - the stores say "Happy Holidays" because they want the Hannukah crowd to come in during December, too. Why is the wisdom of the marketplace trusted in every other instance, but not THIS instance?
The schools practice religious-neutral activities because if they didn't, they'd be sued. Ours is the most lawsuit-happy culture in history. The political-correctness issue, the zero-tolerance issue, and the no-nativity scene issue all stem from a bunch of cranks willing to file a $10 million suit if their child "perceives an inappropriate idea" in a public place.

Get over it guys. Before someone sues you.

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