Saturday, September 24, 2005

It's time for a good long reform over at the Pentagon - and in Iraq.

The Pentagon is in trouble. At home there's the lost money in Iraq, and the Able Danger scandal. Overseas, there's the fact that it can't draw a bead on the terrorists.
Forget troops - the Army needs intelligence operatives and assets. Competent ones. And right now.
It needs to do three things right now.
1. Maintain 24 hour surveillance of the roads used by US troops in Iraq.
They can try satellite photography, ground sensors linked to infrared video cameras - hell, maybe 2000 ninja would be best - but they need to spot the people setting those mines, and track them back to their homes.
Let's face it - the army isn't going to win this thing playing Whack-a-Mole with the jihadista. They need to find these people. All of them. They need to find their headquarters, their recruiters, their storehouses.
They need military intelligence more than they need tanks right now.
2. Send a battalion of forensic accountants to Bagdad.
They need to restore their credibility both at home and abroad by finding who's been dipping into the till, nailing them to the wall, and GETTING THAT MONEY BACK!
In fact, the Pentagon need to retrieve that money more than they need to arrest the thieves. They need people to know that they aren't bunglers, and that stealing from them is dangerous.
They are sending people to Gitmo for being suspected armed terrorists. Let them send a few known economic terrorists behind the wire, and ask them nicely for their Swiss bank account numbers.
3. They need to link up with the United States Government again.
Negroponte was appointed Intelligence Czar practically over the Pentagon's dead body. Even now, the military is refusing government requests for oversite. This is not a bunch of Democratic anti-war activists asking - this is Congress, and the President. Negroponte was Bush's own selection.
Was Able Danger crushed by Clinton's people? Fine - get Clinton's people out of there, and get good people in. But get that organization working again.

America is in trouble. This is a bad time to have a military that is wasteful, incompetent, and surly.

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