Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Michael Brown, currently on the payroll of the Department of Homeland Security, today blamed the Katrina fiasco on local government, while remaining mum on his own liabilities, or those of government higher-ups. In other news, the sun rose in the east today.

The government has restated that it will not increase taxes to pay for Katrina. Tom DeLay has also gone on record as saying there is no pork in any of the government's spending bills, so nothing will be cut. In other words, the government is telling the waiter "HE's paying!", pointing across the room, then dodging out the side door.

The Anti-War protests held this week were, for the most part, organized by a few left wing groups. The Support the Troops march a few weeks ago were, for the most part, organized by the Pentagon. Neither were well attended, by most reports.

And the CNN starts a poll as to whether America would accept a female President.

America is losing all respect for Washington, period. The Republicans, run by a few Ivory Tower hardliners who are not about to have their positions challenged by a few petty facts, and the Democrats, who have no position other than "Bush is wrong", have thoroughly demoralized the country to the point where they don't even care about the war anymore.
Out here in the small towns, we just pick up the pieces of our lives, pick up overtime to pay the extra gas prices, and dream about the day when an unforseen hurricane slams into DC and turns Brown, Farrikan, DeLay, Kennedy, Rove, Hilary, and Bush into refugees.
Whom we can turf out into trailer parks and promise to feed someday.

In the meantime, George, stop wasting airplane fuel on a job that can be done by conference calls. If you'd done your job right in the first place, you wouldn't have to salvage your reputation with a month of photo ops.

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